
Activities in Switzerland and abroad


Activities in Switzerland

DSP Ltd is co-owner of the wheat & triticale varieties from the breeding program of the research station Agroscope in Changins. In this role, DSP Ltd is carrying out variety tests, is responsible for the maintenance breeding and is in charge of the production of basic seed. In addition, DSP Ltd accomplishes all duties in relation with the variety administration. This comprises the registration in the National variety list or the list of recommended varieties from swiss granum as well as the protection of the intellectual property by means of plant breeder's rights. The latter is the basis for collecting royalties, which is the main financial source to cover the costs of DSP Ltd.

Relating to species, for which there is no breeding activity in Switzerland, such as barley, rye and oat, DSP Ltd. acts as representative in Switzerland for the better part of the varieties. The very same applies to wheat and triticale varieties from abroad as well as to spelt varieties from the former breeding program in Zurich, which complete the variety palette of the Agroscope varieties.

Activities abroad

It is part of the duties as co-owner of the Agroscope-varieties to promote them abroad. For this purpose, DSP Ltd evaluates possible candidates in trial networks of breeders and representatives worldwide. After successful tests, the varieties are registered in the relevant variety lists and protected by means of plant breeder's right. Actually, about 30 active varieties are registered in 19 countries. (In addition to the varieties in representation in Switzerland) Again, the considerable input is compensated by collected royalties.

Species and varieties

For variety information please visit the german or french sector of our website.

Further species


Delley seeds and plants Ltd
Delley Castle
40, route de Portalban
CH-1567 Delley

+41 26 677 90 20

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